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H aving carefully read the list of topics, w rite down the numbers of the relevant sections in the m argin. Kutylovskayaġ2 General Methodical Instructions Before starting a new chapter in this course, go through the contents of the textbook for this chapter, and w rite down the topics in a separate notebook. Kosorukov, a researcher a t the In stitu te of Applied M athem atics of the USSR Academy of Sciences, for the help in com piling the problems. Their solution requires the use of a star chart, which is printed on the fly-leaf. In keeping w ith the existing curriculum, problems in astronomy have also been included in the collection. Their solution requires a broader range of theoretical d ata, and w ill fac ilita te a deeper understanding of the physics course. However, each section contains tougher problems as well. The theoretical m aterial is presented in a lucid form, and most problems are of medium complexity. A large number of problems are supplied with detailed solutions and an analysis of the results, while in some cases different approaches are used to solve the same problem so th at the student can discover the most rational form of independent study. This provides the maximum possible help to correspondence course students in solving problems. Each section begins w ith a brief description of the basic theoretical concepts, laws, and formulas. This should stim ulate correspondence course students to work independently, encourage them to accum ulate an adequate theoretical background, and develop in them the requisite aptitude for practical a c tiv ity in various branches of the economy.

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The purpose of this book is to teach the students how to solve problem s in physics. Fundam entals of Astronom y 288 Appendices 297 Answers 330ġ1 Preface This collection of questions and problems in physics is in tended for the students of correspondence courses and evening classes in interm ediate colleges and is in accord w ith the existing curriculum. Atom ic Energy and Its A pplication 276 Chapter VI. Photoelectric Effect Fundam entals of the Special Theory of R elativity 269 Chapter V. Diffraction R adiation and Spectra Phenomena E xplained by the Quantum Properties of R adiation. Phenomena E xplained by the W ave Properties of R adiation. Geom etrical Optics Photom etry 243ġ0 6 Contents 22. Fundamentals of the Special Theory of Relativity 20. Sound and Ultrasound A lternating Current Electrom agnetic O scillations and W aves 211 Chapter IV.

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E lectric Resistance Work, Power, and the Thermal Effect of Current E lectric Current in E lectrolytes E lectric Current in Gases and in Vacuum E lectric Current in Semiconductors Electrom agnetism E lectrom agnetic Induction 169 Chapter III. E lectric Field E lectric Current in Metals. D eform ations Thermal Expansion of Bodies 78 Chapter II. Isotherm al, Isochoric, and Isobaric Processes The Change in the Internal Energy During Heat Transfer and Due to Mechanical Work Properties of Vapours Properties of Liquids Properties of Solids. Basic Equation in the K inetic Theory of Gases Equation of State for an Ideal Gas. Motion of M olecules, Their Size and Mass V elocities of M olecules. Fundamentals of Molecular Physics and Thermodynamics 1. KyTMJiOBCKaa C6opHHK 3a«aH n BonpocoB no

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